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It's very late now here while I'm writing this... Nearly 1 o'clock when I started to write... But still can't sleep even though i close my eyes since about 2 hours ago. I miss you so much
Mark. And as it was before, I have made it worse by playing these songs. This "
My Love" by
Westlife, we sung it together in karaoke place when you were here. And this
"Claudine" ...
piano instrumental played by Maxim Mvrica, it's soooooooooo romantic, whoaaaaa...!!! Feels like you were here dancing with me every time I'm listening to it.
The other 2 songs, "I do" and "I Wanna Grow Old With You", both sung by Westlife, would be beautiful for our wedding song ;-)
God, hurry up time... I cant wait for September, when you'll be here again by then, for my lil brother's wedding, Idul Fitri day, and my birthday as well. I miss you so much Mark David Gerlach...

Download Mp3: My Love by Westlife

Download Mp3: I Wanna Grow Old With You by Westlife

Download Mp3: I Do by Westlife
I miss you so much to honey. Those songs are all beautiful, and they remind me of you to. I agreewith you , hurry up time coz all I think about is being back with you, holding your hand, touching you and kissing you. Just showing you how much I love you, and soon in september I can show you again . But never forget that I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.